Multi entertainer, Miyako Tsubota from Japan has played Christmas Eve in Avenue Q at TCAN Theater before she moved to NY.
She started her musical theater studies at the age of 7 in the children community musical theater company, Ookina Yume. Her time with the company led her to become very impressed with the possibility of musical theater.
She graduated from the Kunitachi College of Music, Japan, majoring in performance for classical voice. Since coming to Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA, Miyako has studied Musical Theater Writing/Performing and Contemporary Music. Every semester she hosted a recital, which expose her original style of story telling. She has also had lead many different artists from all over the country as a choreographer as well as a director. She performed in musical theater production every year such as NINE, CABARET, world premier of THE KISS.
Miyako is very honored to be a three-time winner of Curtain Up, Musical Theater Song Writing Competition. She has composed, orchestrated, choreographed and directed.
After graduating Berklee, Miyako has continued to involve herself in a variety of projects which includes a Film work, Takako's Fukushu (Lead), performances in Washington D.C. and NY with Ai's Sakura Band, and her NY Cabaret debut with her original songs at Duplex Piano Bar.
主な出演作品:Avenue Q(Christmas Eve), Pirate of Penzance, By the Breath of Southern Fireなど。起業家として2019年に FOR ME NYをNYで立ち上げ、2020年よりFOR ME NY Japanの代表取締役を務める。
国立音楽大学でクラシック声楽を専攻し、その後、ボストンのバークリー音楽大学でミュージカルパフォーマンスと作曲を学ぶ。毎学期にはリサイタルを主催し、オリジナルのストーリーテリングスタイルを確立し好評をよぶ。また、ミュージカル「NINE」「キャバレー」「THE KISS」などに出演し、ダンスキャプテンとしてサポートを行った。
ミュージカルソング作曲コンテスト「Curtain Up」で3回の受賞し、作曲、編曲、振付、演出家としても世界各地からの多くのアーティストを指導する経験を積む。
バークリー音楽大学を卒業後、ワシントンD.C.やニューヨークでAi's Sakura Bandとのパフォーマンスを行ったり、ニューヨークのデュプレックスピアノバーでオリジナル曲のキャバレーデビューを果たすなど、さまざまなプロジェクトに関わり続ける。